The Barracks Emperors
The Barracks Emperors
"The Barracks Emperors" is a strategy card game set in the tumultuous Roman Crisis of the Third Century, a period when over 45 different men vied for the throne of the Roman Empire. Designed for 1-4 players, this game invites you to represent powerful political factions aiming to control the claimants to the imperial throne. Utilizing the influence cards in your hand, you’ll strategically claim historical Emperor cards from the board. However, the political landscape is treacherous, and your moves might inadvertently aid your opponents. Play your cards with cunning to capture Emperors and score the most points to win.
At its core, "The Barracks Emperors" is a trick-taking game unlike any other. All 13 tricks are in play simultaneously on an interlocking grid, demanding that you carefully weigh each card's value against its potential benefit to other players. Each card also provides a special ability, allowing for surprising strategic twists.
Fans of "Battle Line" will appreciate how "The Barracks Emperors" transforms traditional trick-taking games like Spades or Bridge with a historical and tactical twist. Historical Emperors, co-Emperors, pretenders, and even Gallic Emperors are all represented, each card featuring intriguing facts about their rise and fall.
Available now at Boarding School Games, "The Barracks Emperors" is perfect for history buffs and strategy enthusiasts alike. Whether you’re playing solo or with up to three friends, you'll find a rich and engaging experience in every game session.
Key features:
- Engaging historical context with detailed Emperor cards
- Innovative trick-taking mechanics with simultaneous play
- Special abilities for each card to enhance strategic depth
- Adaptations for 2-4 players, plus a solitaire mode
- Card drafting mechanic to balance luck and strategy