Starship Interstellar
Starship Interstellar
Starship Interstellar launches you into a high-stakes universe where the race to save humanity unfolds on a cosmic scale. As players assume the roles of powerful corporations, they navigate a delicate balance between cooperation and competition, with the survival of the human race hanging in the balance. The game's gripping premise is set against the backdrop of a future where technological advancements have unlocked unprecedented resource extraction from the Sun, inadvertently hastening its demise.
Players are tasked with constructing the Starship Interstellar, a monumental ark designed to ferry humanity to a new home among the stars. The challenge lies in maximizing the number of people placed in hibernation, charting a course to an inhabitable planet, and outmaneuvering rival corporations. The temptation to exploit the Sun for a competitive edge looms large, adding a layer of moral and strategic complexity to the gameplay.
Starship Interstellar is designed for 1-4 players aged 13 and up, offering a rich and immersive experience that spans approximately 150 minutes. The game's extensive contents include 247 tokens across 6 punchboards, 2 expansive game boards, and 5 starship boards that serve as the construction sites for humanity's last hope. The set also features 4 explorers boards, 4 detailed players boards, and 4 player boxes that help organize the vast array of components, which include 293 small acrylic cubes, 70 large acrylic cubes, 60 acrylic meeples, and 168 meticulously designed plastic miniatures. A cloth bag and 2 comprehensive rules booklets round out the package, ensuring a smooth and engaging gameplay experience.
Embark on a journey of epic proportions with Starship Interstellar, where strategy, cooperation, and competition collide in the quest to save humanity. This game promises not only a thrilling adventure across the stars but also a thought-provoking exploration of the consequences of technological hubris. Available at Boarding School Games, Starship Interstellar is an essential addition to the collection of any discerning gamer looking for a profound and captivating tabletop experience.
Key Features:
- A gripping narrative that challenges players to save humanity by constructing the Starship Interstellar and finding a new planetary home.
- A complex blend of cooperative and competitive gameplay, reflecting the thematic tension between corporate collaboration and rivalry.
- A richly detailed game setup that includes 247 tokens, 2 game boards, 5 starship boards, and more, offering a visually stunning and immersive gaming experience.
- A vast array of components, including acrylic cubes, meeples, and plastic miniatures, enhancing the tactile and visual appeal of the game.
- Suitable for 1-4 players aged 13 and up, with a playtime of approximately 150 minutes, making it a substantial and rewarding gaming endeavor.