Qawale Mini
Qawale Mini
"Qawale Mini" revolutionizes the realm of strategy games with its simple yet deeply tactical gameplay, brought to you by Boarding School Games. Drawing inspiration from the tradition of stacking stones along nature's paths, Qawale Mini not only challenges your strategic acumen but also connects you with the essence of natural harmony. Each player begins with 8 stones of their color, strategizing to align four of their stones in a row by cleverly laying and moving stones across the board.
This game introduces a unique twist with a third, neutral stone color placed at the board's four corners, adding an extra layer of strategic depth. The dynamic of moving piles and leaving a stone on each crossed space injects a captivating complexity into the gameplay. Qawale Mini is not just a game; it's a journey through strategic thinking and natural beauty, perfect for quick sessions of engaging play.
- Ideal for ages 8 and up, designed for 2 players.
- Quick and engaging 15-minute gameplay.
- Includes 1 game board, 24 pebbles in three distinct colors, and rules.
- Available at Boarding School Games, offering a strategic experience with a touch of nature.