Harrow County
Harrow County
"Harrow County: The Game of Gothic Conflict" delves into a dark and enthralling narrative where supernatural forces clash over the fate of a cursed land. Offered by Boarding School Games and developed by Off the Page Games, this asymmetric combat game sets players in the midst of Harrow County's eerie tale, where the legacy of the witch Hester beckons destruction or salvation. As a player, you might align with the Protectors, led by the mysteriously powerful 18-year-old Emmy, to save the townsfolk, or join Hester's vengeful family in their dark quest. Alternatively, assume the role of Emmy's twin sister, Kammi, with ambitions to dominate Harrow County herself.
The game innovates with its use of mason jars for movement and a unique cube tower, integrated into the game's box, for resolving combat. This mechanic not only adds a layer of unpredictability but also serves as a thematic element, representing the mystical influence of Harrow County's witchcraft. The potential third faction, Hester herself, introduces a dynamic twist, allowing for control over undead creatures and possibly shifting the game's balance with her resurrection.
- Asymmetric gameplay set in the haunting world of Harrow County
- Unique cube tower mechanic for combat resolution
- Play as Protectors, Family, or the formidable Kammi
- Tactical gameplay emphasizing territory control and strategic planning
- Suitable for 1-3 players, ages 12 and up, with a playtime of 45-120 minutes
- Presented by Boarding School Games and Off the Page Games