Foundations of Metropolis
Foundations of Metropolis
Foundations of Metropolis challenges players to prove their architectural prowess by designing the most prestigious cityscape over the course of three competitive rounds. Set in a bustling metropolis, players take on the role of visionary architects, purchasing deeds to empty lots and strategically constructing buildings to maximize their prestige and influence. With each new building erected, the city’s skyline transforms, and only the most successful architect will be crowned Grand Architect by the end of the game.
In this standalone version of the popular Foundations of Rome, players will use polyomino pieces to represent their structures, adding a new layer of spatial strategy to the familiar mechanics. More complex buildings require more lots but offer greater rewards in prestige and influence, so balancing your resources and planning your moves carefully is essential to outmaneuver your rivals. The game’s modular setup and variety of building options ensure a fresh experience each time you play, offering endless possibilities for city planning and architectural strategy.
Designed for 2-4 players and with a playtime of 60 minutes, Foundations of Metropolis brings a new theme and unique components to the well-loved formula, making it accessible to both newcomers and experienced players. Available now at Boarding School Games, it’s time to put your design skills to the test and become the greatest architect in the city!
Key Features:
- Standalone city-building game: Construct buildings using polyomino pieces and compete to become the Grand Architect.
- Strategic deed purchasing and building placement: Manage resources and expand your influence by acquiring prime lots and erecting impressive structures.
- Modular setup: Offers high replayability with various building configurations and strategies to explore.
- Same core gameplay as Foundations of Rome: Familiar mechanics with a new theme and components for a fresh experience.
- Designed for 2-4 players, ages 14+, with a 60-minute playtime: Perfect for strategic gamers who enjoy city-building and spatial puzzle mechanics.