Detective: City of Angels
Detective: City of Angels
"Detective: City of Angels" is a gripping narrative-driven board game set in the gritty, crime-ridden streets of 1940s Los Angeles. Most players will take on the role of LAPD homicide detectives, navigating a world of deceit and corruption as they work tirelessly to solve each case. But beware—one player will step into the role of The Chisel, a devious character whose sole purpose is to thwart the detectives by feeding them lies, distorting evidence, and sending them down dead-end leads.
With its unique blend of noir storytelling and competitive strategy, "Detective: City of Angels" immerses players in a thrilling cat-and-mouse game where every decision counts. Investigators must scrutinize witnesses, follow up on clues, and outthink The Chisel to crack the case wide open. The game’s branching narratives and variable endings ensure that no two games are ever the same, keeping players on the edge of their seats as they unravel the truth behind each mystery.
Will you expose the criminals hiding in the shadows, or will The Chisel succeed in sending you on a wild goose chase? Find out by picking up "Detective: City of Angels," available now at Boarding School Games.
Key Features:
- Immersive 1940s Setting: Dive into the seedy underbelly of Los Angeles with rich narrative elements and period-authentic artwork.
- Unique Role for The Chisel: One player can take on the role of The Chisel to mislead detectives, adding an exciting layer of bluffing and deception.
- Branching Storylines: Explore multiple outcomes and surprise twists that keep each game fresh and unpredictable.
- High Replay Value: Multiple cases and unique scenarios offer plenty of replayability for new and seasoned players alike.
- For 1-5 Players: Ideal for groups or solo play, suitable for ages 14 and up, with a playtime ranging from 30 to 150 minutes depending on the case.