"Autumn" is the next enchanting chapter in the beloved 4 Seasons saga, inviting players to embrace the crisp, colorful world of fall. With a simple yet captivating premise, players take turns drawing cards to overlay others on the table, carefully covering one or two spaces of leaves. The goal is clear yet challenging: create the largest contiguous area of leaves in your color. As the game progresses, watch the table transform into a vibrant tapestry of autumn hues, with each move reminiscent of leaves gently falling to the ground, guided by the autumn breeze.
Designed for players aged 8 and up, "Autumn" offers a welcoming experience for 1-2 players, making it a perfect game for solo play or a cozy duel with a friend. With an average playtime of just 10 minutes, it's an ideal pick for a quick, engaging game session, whether you're winding down after dinner or looking for a brief escape into a world of strategy and beauty.
"Autumn" is more than just a game; it's a celebration of change, a strategic dance of colors that evokes the essence of the season. Whether you're a seasoned gamer or new to the tabletop world, "Autumn" promises an accessible, immersive experience that captivates with its simplicity and depth.
Let the autumnal spirit guide your strategy and fill the table with your color to claim victory. "Autumn" is now available at Boarding School Games, where the 4 Seasons saga continues to unfold, offering moments of joy, strategy, and the beauty of change.
Key features include:
- A simple, engaging gameplay mechanic of overlaying cards to cover leaf spaces.
- Aim to create the largest area of leaves in your color for a strategic challenge.
- Suitable for ages 8+, making it accessible for younger players and families.
- Designed for 1-2 players, perfect for solo play or a quick game with a friend.
- Quick 10-minute playtime, ideal for fitting into busy schedules or short game sessions.
- Available at Boarding School Games, your destination for games that capture the essence of each season.