"Akropolis" challenges you to become the master architect of a flourishing ancient city, presented by Boarding School Games. In this engaging board game, 2-4 players, ages 8 and up, are tasked with transforming a humble settlement into a thriving metropolis within a concise 25-minute timeframe. Utilize your strategic prowess to mine stone quarries, construct vital districts, and monumental plazas, all while elevating your city's skyline. The game's contents, including 61 City tiles, 4 starting tiles, and 40 Stone cubes, along with the Chief Architect marker, scorepad, and rulebook, provide everything needed for this creative construction endeavor.
- Designed for 2-4 players, suitable for ages 8+
- Quick and engaging 25-minute playtime
- Includes a variety of tiles and components for city-building
- Available at Boarding School Games